Explore the power of music in a healing online program that Jewish Family & Children’s Service is offering this month, as well as in November and December.
The JFCS Memory Café will continue to be held through Zoom at 10 a.m. the first Thursday of every month and 1 p.m. on the third Thursday of every month. Participants can learn how to create a Thanksgiving centerpiece from instructor Janina Phinao at the 10 a.m. Memory Café on Nov. 5 and sing holiday songs at the 10 a.m. sing-along with Dan Kurek on Dec. 3.
Sun Joo Lee, owner of Sunshine Music Therapy and a guitarist and vocalist, will engage participants in familiar songs and movements designed to feel good during the 1 p.m. Memory Café gatherings. Those will be held Oct. 15, Nov. 19 and Dec. 17. Lee has master’s degrees in voice performance and music therapy from Arizona State University, as well as an undergraduate degree in voice performance from Sungshin Women’s University in Seoul, South Korea.
The Memory Café is for people who have memory challenges and their care partners to take part in fun, enriching activities in a supportive environment. It is free to participate. If you would like to attend the event, RSVP to Janet Rees at janet.rees@jfcsaz.org or by calling 480-599-7198.