Michael Todd’s Treasures, a home décor accessories and furniture store, is serving customers in its new space in North Central after a fire scorched its previous location.
The store that sells new, used, antique, repurposed and handcrafted furniture, as well as art, mirrors, dishes and other items, opened in its new location at 4701 N. Seventh Ave. last month. Previously the business was located a few blocks south of that spot at Seventh Avenue and Campbell Road but a fire in June burned that structure and city inspectors are determining how much of it needs to be demolished. Michael Todd’s Treasures had been in its previous location for 29 years.
Michael Robertson, owner of Michael Todd’s Treasures, said the new space houses new, mod furniture from Los Angeles and the six, original vendors who rent booth space from his store will continue to do so. Items from all eras and décor styles are sold at the store. Michael Todd’s Treasures is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesdays through Saturdays and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays. To learn more, visit www.facebook.com/Michael-Todds-Treasures-384474125322134.