Less time at the park, shorter walks, and being cooped up inside all day is no fun, but it is much better than putting your pup in danger out in the sun. The Arizona Humane Society suggests several ways you can keep your pets safe and cool this summer.
Limit outdoor activity: Your dog’s outdoor activity should be limited to the early morning hours or late evening before the sun comes out or after the pavement has cooled down. Don’t forget that the city of Phoenix prohibits dogs from using hiking trails when outside temperatures reach 100-degrees or higher.
Know the signs: Tell-tale signs of heat stroke include excessive panting, weakness, drooling, and vomiting. If your pet experiences any of these symptoms, offer them cool water, slowly cool them off with water or a wet towel and get them to a vet immediately.
Never tether your pet: Pets who are tethered or chained will often get entangled, making it difficult for them to access water and shelter.
Provide lots of water: The summer heat can leave pets dehydrated and weak. Always make sure your pet has access to clean, fresh water throughout the day. If you know you’re going to be out in the heat, pack plenty of water for you and your pet
Protect those paws: Protect your pup’s paws from hot surfaces with shoes or booties. If the surface is too hot for your bare feet, it’s too hot for your dog’s bare feet.
Check and re-check the backseat: Hot cars are one of the most dangerous situations for pets and children. Even when temperatures outside are in the 80s, temperatures inside a car can climb well above 100 in just minutes. Don’t ever leave your pets unattended inside a car, even for a short period of time. If you see a pet or child in a hot car and believe they are in danger, call 911 and determine whether the vehicle is locked. If unlocked, open a door to enter the vehicle. If locked, you may break the window. Do not use more force than is necessary. Remain with the child or pet until the authorities arrive.
Learn more at azhumane.org/nohotdogsaz.