Tara Blanc, Publisher

How is it that one day you look up and 25 years have slipped by? When our editor, Kathryn M. Miller, reminded me last month that November would mark the 25th anniversary of the North Central News, I was a bit surprised. I guess, though, that time flies when you’re doing what you love.

In the fall of 1999, the late John Myers, a local publisher, Tim Mullan, a local realtor, and I joined forces to create a community newspaper for the North Central area. When John and Tim had other interests to pursue, I bought them out and carried on. But I had no idea that the paper would have this kind of longevity. That it has is a tribute to the staff we’ve had over the years, our loyal advertisers, and all of you in the community who have offered us such incredible support.

Our first issue in November 1999 featured a cover story about red-light runners by Trudy Thompson Shumaker and articles on community based policing, a sales tax vote that benefited Phoenix parks, and local community and school events (North Central News archives).

Our first issue in November 1999 featured a cover story about red-light runners by Trudy Thompson Shumaker and articles on community based policing, a sales tax vote that benefited Phoenix parks, and local community and school events. While our content has evolved and expanded over the years, our focus on community news has remained unchanged. In addition to Trudy, we’ve worked with some terrific writers over the years, including Marjorie Rice, Patty Talahongva, Clair Bush, Joan Westlake and Rochelle Mackey.

We’ve been very fortunate in the editors who have taken charge of our content over the years. Teri Carnicelli, our first full-time editor, did a terrific job of keeping her thumb on the pulse of the community for 16 years. She was succeeded by Colleen Sparks, who aced the difficult job of covering the community during a global pandemic, and then by our current editor, Kathryn Miller, whose focus on addressing community concerns (along with her passion for the arts) has reshaped and refined our editorial content for the better.

No business runs without effective administrative support. Many thanks to Marissa Renteria and Kim Kilcrease, our former administrators, and to our current office administrator, the amazing and efficient Janice Backus, without whom I would be completely lost.

As a free-circulation newspaper that is supported solely by advertising, ad sales are a crucial part of what we do. I’m grateful to have worked with some wonderful sales reps, including our first rep, Ray Hammond, and two long-time reps, Sally Moss and Tracy Fricker. Joanne Day, our current director of sales and marketing, has been with us for 18 years and is an integral part of our longevity and success (she keeps us laughing, too).

We never could have started the paper, let alone survived for 25 years, without the support of our advertisers. Realtors have been our backbone, including Bobby Lieb, now with COMPASS, who was our very first advertiser and has been a pillar of support ever since. Shelley Caniglia, now with COMPASS Arizona, who was among our first advertisers, also has provided steady support over the years. We also appreciate the other realtors who supported us in that first year, including Cindy Fassel and Ronda Cronin (Russ Lyon Realty), Jeff Polett Realty Company, Debbie Tupper (Russ Lyon Realty), The Katz Group (Realty Executives) and the many other realtors since who have trusted us with their advertising needs.

The support of local business owners has been crucial as well. It’s a tough environment for small businesses and we’ve seen many come and go. Three of our first advertisers, Purple Lizard, Arthur Murray Dance Studios and Music Works, still are with us 25 years later. To the many North Central businesses who have supported us through the last 25 years, we are truly grateful for your support.

Another important source of support has been our local school districts, both in advertising and content. Thank you to the Madison School District, the Phoenix Union High School District and the many other districts who have purchased ad space and provided content.

Finally, we would not have kept going these past 25 years without the support of you, our readers. Your encouragement and criticism have played a vital role in our growth and evolution and we are deeply grateful for the community members who take the time to read our paper, patronize our advertisers and offer us thoughtful feedback on what we do. We are honored to be a part of this amazing community and thank you all for your support over the last 25 years.

Here’s to 25 more!


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