A home in the Willo historic neighborhood features vintage decorative radiator covers sharing space with gold-leafed screens and mirrors, doors and windows from India, and Chinese Foo Dogs. Botero posters and paintings and Botero-like murals adorn the walls along with a variety of artistic styles.
Ticket holders for this special fund-raising event will be invited to experience homes that contain fascinating, even spectacular collections. Art—especially Mexican art—dominates, adorning all surfaces in these homes. What pulls these collections together is the homeowners’ love of the artworks and their inventiveness in displaying it.
At the mercado, which will be held at one of the homes, dealers in Mexican art will have items for sale. A portion of the proceeds also will benefit Friends of Mexican Art and its goals.
Tickets are available at The Purple Lizard, 2827 N. 15th Ave. or purchase online at the FOMA website: www.friendsofmexicanart.org. For more information, call 602-334-6585.