Special Olympics Arizona (SOAZ) has partnered with Subway Restaurants of Arizona—including every single local restaurant and local owner—on “You Share, We Share,” a campaign that encourages the community to get out and share their weekends with Subway restaurants, and the locally owned restaurants will share right back by donating a percentage of weekend sales, up to $58,000, directly to Special Olympics Arizona.
The program runs every Saturday and Sunday through the end of August.
In addition to supporting SOAZ in its restaurants during the campaign, the eateries have also signed on to take an active role in SOAZ’s spring and summer events through food and raffle donations as well as hands-on volunteering opportunities.
Subway has a long history of supporting SOAZ. For more than a decade, Subway Kids & Sports of Arizona—a local nonprofit organization founded by Arizona franchisees focused on raising funds to support children’s access to sports and other wellness programs—has funded annual grants to the organization, most recently with a $5,000 award in 2014.