Core strength produces stability, not just strong abdominal muscles. Breathing, postural alignment and balance are results of real “core” work. Strengthening one’s core incorporates an awareness of how to use, and care for and feel your body. In May, Kinesphere Center for Movement Education delves into this concept with workshops developed to increase core stability.
Experience Yoga Tune-Up Explore Your Core with Isabelle Barter, 1-2:30 p.m. Saturday, May 9. Journey through the many layers of your “core” and explore the structures that stabilize your spine and impact the quality of your breathing. Cost is $40.
Then on Monday, May 18 learn what actually constitutes the “core” and how to train it in a way that is beneficial to your health. Dave Authement combines neurological and biomechanical aspects of core stability in Core: The Reflexive Center, 6:30-8 p.m. Cost is $40.
Finally, finish the month at Move Your Chi … Soothe Your Soul with Kat and Matt Myers, 1-3 p.m. Sunday, May 31. The class blends bodyrolling, foot fitness, chi gong, live music and a soul-soothing Nidra relaxation. Cost is $40. Call/text 480-221-7435 to reserve your spot.
Kinesphere Center for Movement Education is located at 711 E. Missouri Ave., Suite 180. For more information, visit or call 602-532-3111.