Get ready for some anticipated changes to the city’s mayor and council seats.
Mayor Greg Stanton officially stepped down on May 29, having announced his intention last year to run for the Arizona Congressional District 9 seat, being vacated by Kyrsten Sinema, in the fall 2018 election. The special election for a new mayor will take place on Nov. 6.
There are five people who have indicated their intention to run for mayor, including current Councilmembers Daniel Valenzuela and Kate Gallego. If any councilmember chooses to run for mayor, they would also have to resign as councilmember. If they resign before June 19, the election to replace them also would be held Nov. 6. Interim councilmembers will be appointed by the Phoenix City Council until the election.
City Charter requires the city council to select one of the remaining council members to serve as mayor until the special election; Vice Mayor Thelda Williams was chosen to serve as interim mayor. Williams also continues to serve as the councilmember for her district.