Have you ever wished that medical professionals did a better job of understanding your condition and the challenges that come with it? Now is your chance to help train the next generation of doctors, nurses and other medical professionals to be more mindful and more understanding of your chronic condition.
The Community Health Mentor Program started as a joint venture three years ago by the University of Arizona College of Medicine–Phoenix and Northern Arizona University. In this program, healthcare professional students (MD, PA, PT, OT) work in teams with a community mentor. The community mentor is an adult with at least one chronic medical condition who can share his or her healthcare experiences and assist in the education of these future healthcare professionals.
The team works with the mentor to complete a series of modules, including topics such as nutrition, home needs, and community barriers.
The Community Health Mentor Program is seeking new mentors. Mentors must be an adult, have a chronic medical condition (such as diabetes, asthma, or quadriplegia) and must live or being willing to meet the students within 20 minutes of the downtown Phoenix campus. Visit www.phoenixmed.arizona.edu/community-mentor to fill out an interest form, or e-mail at PBC-mentor@email.arizona.edu. You also can call 602-827-2609.