People who want to quit smoking or using tobacco in other ways can get help through the Arizona Smokers’ Helpline, as well as other resources.
The ASHLine allows smokers and other tobacco users to stay focused on their goals with assistance from a coach. Those who call the hotline will be matched with a “quit coach,” who will take into account any specific circumstances everyone is contending with as they try to stop using tobacco. There also are programs to help woman who are pregnant and anyone who uses chewing tobacco.
The Quit Coaching program lasts six weeks with participants receiving support through the phone or via text.
Banner Health reports that when people stop smoking within 20 minutes their blood pressure returns to a normal level, their pulse rate goes back to normal and peripheral circulation increases, which returns the body temperature of the hands and feet to normal. The chances of having a heart attack decrease within 24 hours of quitting smoking, according to Banner Health.
Call the ASHLine 800-556-6222 or visit