North Central resident and senior pastor of Longview Community Church, the Rev. Richard Caballero, received an honorary degree of Doctor of Theology from Arizona Theology University in a gala ceremony held May 31 in the sanctuary of Longview Community Church.

The Rev. Richard Caballero, pastor of Longview Community Church in Phoenix, celebrates his honorary doctorate with his family, from left: daughter Natalie, wife Leonor, and daughter Melissa (submitted photo).
Joel Hernandez, the university’s president, presented the degree to Caballero as recognition for his many years in the ministry and his devotion to the field of educating Hispanic pastors and the creation and leadership of Spanish-language congregations within the RCA (Reformed Church in America) and the CRC (Christian Reformed Church) denominations.
Originally from Montevideo, Uruguay, Caballero moved to Toronto, Canada, where he was instrumental in starting and serving the first Hispanic congregation for The Church of the Nazarene in Canada and later planted the Brampton Hispanic Church of the Nazarene in Canada. His theological education includes degrees from the Toronto Nazarene Bible Institute and Canada Christian College.
In 2003, Caballero was invited to start the first Hispanic congregation for the RCA in Arizona at Longview Community Church in Phoenix. In the 10 years he has served at Longview, Caballero has started six Hispanic congregations in Arizona, has revitalized the Anglo ministry at Longview, and has created a theological training center in Spanish to prepare future pastors and leaders.
He also serves on the Classis Leadership Team, is co-leader in the Kingdom Enterprise Zone Initiative for Arizona, serves on the Mission Southwest Multiplication Team, serves on the Church Multiplication Team for the RCA, and appears frequently on local Arizona Spanish TV and radio stations in his role as pastor.