It’s back to school time for children and also for some Phoenix adults, who are donating their time to make a significant impact on early literacy. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), only 28 percent of Arizona fourth-grade students were reading proficiently in 2013.

OASIS volunteer tutor Sheila Samalin reads a book with Arlet Vasquez, a second-grader at Madison Camelview Elementary (submitted photo).
The OASIS volunteer tutoring program is for community members who are interested in sharing the love of reading with a child. By becoming a literacy tutor, you will support a student once a week for an hour in the skills of reading and writing.
The program is sponsored by Madison School District and OASIS. OASIS is a nonprofit organization that partners with school districts to pair adult community members with students needing literacy support. This tutoring program serves children in Madison School District’s four elementary schools (Heights, Camelview, Rose Lane and Simis) and targets children needing additional academic support in literacy.
Tutors will receive training by a reading specialist along with a tutor handbook, bag and supplies. The training will be held at Madison Camelview, 2002 E. Campbell Ave., from September 22 through 24, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
For more information, contact Kim Gullo at 602-664-7285 or e-mail her at
The city of Phoenix, in partnership with AARP Experience Corps and Experience Matters, is launching a tutoring program designed to improve literacy skills for Phoenix elementary school students and is seeking volunteers. The program, which serves children in kindergarten through the third grade, taps into the experience of older Americans to ensure that every child has a chance to succeed in school and in life.
The AARP Experience Corps program utilizes highly trained volunteer tutors 50 and older to help children become proficient readers by the time they finish third grade.
The students who receive one-to-one coaching with AARP Experience Corps tutors have shown 60 percent greater gains in critical literacy skills. Teachers report that the tutors make a positive impact on attendance, reducing disruptive behavior, and increase participation.
During the 2014-15 school year, AARP Experience Corps will work with five Phoenix elementary school districts: Wilson, Fowler, Tolleson, Phoenix Elementary, and Riverside. Volunteers 50 and older are currently being recruited. To learn more about volunteering with the city of Phoenix AARP Experience Corps program, residents are encouraged to attend an information session set for 10 to 11 a.m. Sept. 8-12 at Experience Matters, 360 E. Coronado Road, Suite 170. To register, visit or contact Cathy Gaudio, program coordinator, at 602-256-4388 or