Nine Boys Hope Girls Hope scholars at Brophy College Prep, Xavier College Prep, St. Francis Xavier, Bourgade Catholic High School and Madison Traditional Academy have been named to the first Boys Hope Girls Hope (BHGH) Scholar Leadership Board.
“The board will reach to out to, engage and connect with the broader community to provide a greater understanding of Boys Hope Girls Hope ideals and mission and to reflect the success our scholars are experiencing,” said BHGH Executive Director Tami Bohannon. “Given that most of our scholars come to us from very difficult situations, their success as students and community members is a tribute to their hard work and commitment to building a path to the future.”
Named to the BHGH Scholar Leadership Board are Irvin Robles, chair, Brophy; Savannah Jones, vice chair, Xavier; Iand van Hernandez, secretary, Brophy.
Program delegates include Jenifer Briones, Xavier; Jennifer Hong, St. Francis Xavier; Korri Lewis, Bourgade; Miguel Saenz, St. Francis Xavier; Sinai Urbieta, Madison Traditional Academy; and Karina Zamora, Xavier.
Boys Hope Girls Hope graduate Nici Richardson, who attends Arizona State University, was named College Liaison.
Among their responsibilities are participation at Boys Hope Girls Hope promotional events, assistance with special projects, serving as representatives to the BHGH staff regarding scholar interests and concerns and to serve as role models for fellow scholars. They also will attend meetings of the Boys Hope Girls Hope Board of Directors.
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