Festive balloons greeted guests, supporters and clients at The Bridge to Hope ministry, 1815 E. Missouri Avenue, Ste. 105, on June 4 as the nonprofit organization celebrated the expansion of its ministry.

Guests, supporters and clients of the Bridge to Hope tour the newly expanded facilities, including the Bridge Boutique, at the ministry’s office, located at 1815 W. Missouri Ave., #105 (submitted photo).
Launched in January 2012, The Bridge to Hope works with homeless women with children by encouraging them along the road to recovery from homelessness. The Bridge to Hope (B2H) finds a partner Christian church to take a vested interest in a single mother and her children in crisis—a family that has lost hope and direction.
The mothers who come into the program may have experienced domestic violence, a financial crisis or are recovering from substance abuse.
The ministry saw its first graduate of the program in April 2014. Recently, The Bridge to Hope completed a large expansion of its offices, which included four new areas. These included conference center space for workshops for the Bridge Mothers and a new job search area for mothers to search for employment. In addition, there is a greatly expanded “Bridge Boutique” area where donations of clothing and household items are received and processed which serves as the store for mothers to “shop” for clothing and household items with their “Bridge Bucks.”
Also added was a Child Enrichment space developed by Bright Horizons, a Foundation for Children, which gives the children a cozy environment for care while their moms are receiving different programming classes.
Lowes of Glendale donated materials for building of The Bridge Boutique and employees from Grand Canyon University donated their time and talents to construct this space. Office Furniture Now of Phoenix donated all of the furniture for the conference and life skills programming.
Directed by Amy Sue Seiser, The Bridge to Hope currently serves four mothers mentored by church teams across the Valley including La Casa de Cristo of Scottsdale, Bethany Bible of Phoenix, Faith Bible of Phoenix and First Southern Baptist of Scottsdale.
Christian churches in the Phoenix metro area are encouraged to learn more about The Bridge to Hope and the women it serves by contacting Amy Sue Seiser at 602-589-5556 or amysue@b2hope.org.
Numerous ways to become involved and volunteer with the ministry and a list of ongoing needs can be found on the organization’s website: www.b2hope.org. The Bridge to Hope is a registered nonprofit organization, which means that cash donations qualify for the Arizona Working Poor Tax Credit.