On the Money, a bookkeeping and accounting firm that recently moved to the Off 16th Executive Suites, will offer a free lunch on Thursday, March 5, from noon to 1 p.m. The event is a program called Lunch & Learn for Professional Services Business Owners, which will focus on an innovative approach to putting profit first.

On the Money, now located at 7600 N. 15th St., Suite 150, recently began a new service to help entrepreneurs boost profitability. Often business owners pay themselves last, if at all. But Ruth Urban, president and CEO of On the Money, believes businesses should give up on the traditional method of increasing revenue and instead concentrate on driving up profitability. For many businesses more revenue equals more expense but when the focus is on profit the business grows naturally, Urban said.

An initial analysis of the business is done based on six quarters or 18 months. On the Money does a review of the company and presents a management report with a plan to slowly boost profit and owners’ compensation to target percentages of revenue over an 18-month period. On the Money staff will stay with the business on a coaching basis after the initial review and finish quarterly reviews to make any needed adjustments.

To register for the free lunch on March 5, call 602-675-8921 or email info@onthemoneyaz.com. The company also offers a free networking and social event called Tax Day Sundaes from 2 to 3 p.m. on April 15. To learn more about the company or its events, visit onthemoneyaz.com.




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