The Foundation for Senior Living holds support groups for caregivers, called Central Phoenix Memory Café, the second and fourth Monday of every month. This group meets from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at the FSL Caregiver House at 1201 E. Thomas Road. While the caregivers talk to others and access support and resources, their loved ones engage in music therapy provided by neurologic music therapists.
The music therapy program optimizes how people with memory loss experience and interact with their environment via music and movement. Support group facilitators are experts in caregiving, healthy aging and dementia care.
A Spanish-speaking support group also is available the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at 10 a.m. at the FSL Caregiver House. The support groups are free to attend. Register with Charise Bebout at 602-285-0505 ext. 184 or