Young professionals who are passionate about helping furry friends can become part of the Arizona Animal Welfare League’s Young Professionals Council.
Those who are at least 21 years old can raise money to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome homeless animals. This council also expands the Arizona Animal Welfare League’s footprint in the Valley by engaging the younger demographic as donors, advocates, volunteers and adopters. In return, the organization offers board training and experience for people who want to prepare for future board service in non-profit organizations.
The ideal candidates for the council are socially connected young professionals who care deeply about animal welfare and are eager to promote the organization’s mission. They are part of the “front line” of ambassadors in the community and have an impact over the Arizona Animal Welfare League’s events and initiatives.
Council members must agree to serve an initial term of two years. They must attend at least 80 percent of meetings each year. These members also must raise at least $500 each term through fundraising or personal contributions and commit at least three to five hours a month to support events and ongoing programs, among other requirements.