Low-to-moderate income Arizonans, the elderly and persons with disabilities can receive free tax preparations through two local programs, up until tax day on Monday, April 15.
Qualifying individuals and men and women filing income taxes jointly can have income tax forms prepared at no cost by trained and certified Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and AARP tax-aide preparers. VITA volunteers also can assist filers in receiving quicker refunds by e-filing the documents and using direct deposit.
A 24-hour information hotline for interested individuals to learn about free tax preparation locations can be reached by dialing 211 or toll-free at 877-211-8661. Information also is available at www.211arizona.org.
If filing jointly, both adults must be present to sign the form. For questions and information, contact the Arizona Community Action Association at 602-604-0640 or AARP at 888-227-7669, or visit www.211arizona.org and click on the red “Taxes” link in the upper right corner, or www.aarp.org/taxaide.