Joyful alignment is the theme at Kinesphere Center for Movement Education this month. Modern science and research are teaching us how to better use our bodies at all ages.
Kathy Lucia presents The Joy of Flexibility for Golf, 1-2:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 10. Receive a posture and movement evaluation, learn about visual functions and integration to the golf game and putting, learn a pre-round warm-up routine, and learn five movements that will enhance your game without changing your swing. Class is limited to 12 participants; cost is $45.
Dave Authement brings Z-Health and Restorative Exercise into clear focus with, “Two Lenses: Neurokinetic & Biomechanical Movement,” 6:45-8:15 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 18. This class will be an introduction to the concepts of bettering our bodies through two different lenses—one neurological, and the other biomechanical. Cost is $40 per person.
All classes are held at Kinesphere Center for Movement Education, 711 E. Missouri Ave., Suite 180. Call 602-532-3111 or email to register for any of these offerings.