Assistance League of Phoenix, a nonprofit organization that has been serving children and families in the Phoenix area for more than 50 years, is looking for volunteers that desire personal growth, leadership opportunities, and friendship.

Volunteer members assist children as they leave the Assistance League’s Philanthropic Center with new school clothes, a new backpack, and toiletries. ALP’s largest program, Operation School Bell®, provides new school clothing for children in need at more than 90 Title I elementary schools in the Phoenix area (submitted photo).
ALP provides school clothing, books and supplies for more than 8,000 children annually through its Operation School Bell program and helps thousands more with literacy materials, crisis teddy bears, and newborn necessities for infants born into poverty.
An informational coffee will be held 10 a.m. May 10 and again on May 17, as part of an ongoing commitment to introduce the organization to individuals in the community. Members set their own volunteer schedule, and many volunteer opportunities are available, including outfitting school children with new clothes, distributing children’s books, preparing layettes for newborns, or volunteering at the thrift store.
The meetings will be held at the Philanthropic Center, 9224 N. 5th St. Interested individuals should call 602-559-5635 or e-mail to RSVP or for further information.
Assistance League is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that is an equal opportunity, volunteer-driven organization. Membership is open to anyone without regard to age, race, color, gender, religion, or national origin.