Take the work out of your holiday baking and give your guests something with a little extra kick with the help of High Spirited Cupcakes.
Led by Valley native and self-taught baker Lauren Klein and her partner, Heather Shoemaker, High Spirited Cupcakes tempts with 25 varieties, such as the bourbon-spiked Sinabun or the Hole Molé made with mezcal-infused chocolate molé cake. Always made-to-order, High Spirited Cupcakes also whips up custom cupcakes for any occasion or flavor profile, and even offers kid-friendly non-alcoholic versions.
High Spirited Cupcakes offers dozens of delightful varieties such as Rosé All Day (rosé cake filled with strawberry curd and finished off with a fragrant rose European meringue buttercream), and Breakfast of Champions (Crown Royal maple cake with a maple whiskey pastry cream filling, topped with a peanut butter European buttercream and finished with candied bacon and chocolate eggs).
Operating out of a commercial kitchen in the heart of downtown Phoenix, High Spirited Cupcakes are available for delivery valleywide. High Spirited Cupcakes also are available at Bitter & Twisted, 1 W. Jefferson St. (three different rotating flavors).
High Spirited Cupcakes cost $48 per dozen (one flavor per dozen), and orders must be made 72-hours in advance. For more information or to order, visit www.highspiritedcupcakes.com, or e-mail info@highspiritedcupcakes.com.