A use permit granted by the city’s zoning administrator for a 55-bed rehab center on property located at 1431 E. Dunlap Ave. has been appealed to the city’s Board of Adjustment, which will hear the case on Thursday, Dec. 6.
Patina Mountain Preserve is a development by the nonprofit Native American Connections (NAC) planned for the Sunnyslope community that includes a 55-bed drug and alcohol rehabilitation center, which requires a use permit under new city regulations that went into effect in April of this year.
A public hearing was held before Zoning Administrator Frank Dolasinski on Sept. 20, and he released his final ruling on Oct. 15. Dolasinski did not believe the project would create more noise, dust, or traffic than what is already permitted under the current underlying zoning, which would allow for upwards of 200 apartment units on that site, located near the end of a residential street that terminates at the Phoenix Mountain Preserve.
He also determined that it would not cause property values in the area to dip appreciably, despite neighbors’ assertions to the contrary.
The appeal was filed on Oct. 24 by Teresa Duhancik, who lives less than 300 feet from the proposed facility. In hear appeal, she cited increased ambient noise from proposed weekly drum circles on the property—part of NAC’s whole body-mind therapeutic treatment—and also reiterated neighbors’ concerns about the negative effects “residential” rehab centers may have on adjacent homes’ property values.
The Board of Adjustment is schedule to hear the case during its regular meeting on Dec. 6 in the Council Chambers, 200 W. Jefferson St. The case was tentatively scheduled for 12 p.m.; however, to check the most recent agenda, visit www.phoenix.gov and click on “More Public Meeting Notices.” Agendas are advertised 7 days prior to the hearing date, but can be updated as early at 24 hours before the hearing.
Either side has 30 days after the Board of Adjustment’s ruling to appeal the decision to the Maricopa County Superior Court.