Medicare Open enrollment starts Oct. 15 and runs through Dec. 7. This is the time of year when you decide which Medicare insurance plan is best for you in 2019. Even if you are happy with your current plan, there might be something even better out there for you.
If you currently are on a plan, keep your eye on your mailbox for the Annual Notice of Change. This is sent out by your Medicare Advantage plan and will list any changes to your benefits for next year.
Also beginning in 2019, a new Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period will run from Jan. 1-March 31 every year. If you’re enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, you’ll have a one-time opportunity to switch to a different Medicare Advantage plan, or drop your Medicare Advantage plan and return to Original Medicare, Part A and Part B. If you return to Original Medicare, you also can sign up for a stand-alone Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan during that enrollment period.
You can learn about and enroll in a plan either by contacting the various carriers directly or you can utilize the service of an independent broker. The advantage of an independent broker is that they work for you and can offer you more than just one option when it comes to your Medicare insurance needs. Their services are free to clients as they receive a commission directly from the carrier whose plans they sell.
One such independent broker serving the North Central community is Yvonne Kudray-Baraban, who has been specializing in selling Medicare insurance since 1996 and has been a Phoenix resident since 1977. She can help walk you through what changes may occur to your existing plan in 2019 and what options are available to you. For more information or to make an appointment, call 602-575-0622 or e-mail