Duet: Partners In Health & Aging, a Phoenix area nonprofit, is launching its “Finding Meaning and Hope” video discussion series, produced by Duet in partnership with Pauline Boss, Ph.D., thanks to a grant from Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust.
“Finding Meaning and Hope” is a free video and discussion series for family caregivers led by trained volunteers. This spring, a variety of 10-week “Finding Meaning and Hope” video and discussion groups for family caregivers are debuting in the Phoenix metro area and Tucson.
New video discussion groups are in the works continuously; visit https://tinyurl.com/y83z6vrq for the latest group additions and information.
Duet has trained volunteer facilitators for the “Finding Meaning and Hope” video and discussion series who need locations to host the groups. Community members can contact Duet at info@duetaz.org or 602-274-5022 to connect about providing a space.