A new music program is hatching for “EarlyBirds”—classes for children ages birth-3 years old— at Music Works Community (MWC), 302 W. Bethany Home Road. Part of the PRELUDE curriculum, a free trial class for EarlyBirds will be offered on Aug. 8, Aug. 15 or Aug. 22 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. RSVPs requested.
Classes will include: SingAlong with SignAlong, incorporating American Sign Language into musical interactions with parent(s)/caregivers; and Baby Brain Boxes, part of an early brain development curriculum with musical activities. In addition, EarlyBirds will enjoy tunes and themes for 45 minutes of musical fun.
Classes will be offered in the morning on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays in four groups: Infants, Crawlers, Walkers and Toddlers.
The PRELUDE Piano Fall Schedule begins the week of Aug. 26. You can find registration forms and more information at www.musicworkscommunity.com. For questions, call the studio at 602-264-5188.