The show must go on for Arizona Theatre Company, which provides free digital performance offerings during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The company kicked off the first in its series of digital performances last month with “Alma,” written by Arizona Theatre Company’s 2019 Latinx Playwright Award winner Benjamin Benne. “Alma” is about a working mother who raised her daughter on her own with tough love, home-cooked comida and many prayers.
Upcoming productions include the premiere of “Slow Food,” by Wendy MacLeod, starring Brian Beacock, Joel Van Liew and Daina Griffith. It is the tale of a couple on vacation celebrating their anniversary at a Greek restaurant, where a wacky waiter works his way into their meal and their lives. “Somewhere Over the Border” by Brian Quijada, co-produced by Teatro Vista, about Reina Quijada’s real-life journey from El Salvador to the United States, also will premiere online, as will “Covenant” by York Walker, directed by Tamilla Woodward, a play about a guitar player returning to his small town as a blues star. “The Realness” by Idris Goodwin, directed by Wendy Goldberg, a story set in 1996 in the hip-hop scene, also will appear online.
More plays are in production and will be shown digitally with dates to be announced. To learn more, visit