Tap into your creative side in person and online at MG Studios.
Located at 4804 N. 7th Ave., the studio reopened last month after the Coronavirus pandemic but is offering small classes to allow for social distancing, owner David Jarvinen said. It also offers online arts classes, which you can take anytime you choose. You can watch the introduction to the workshops and then purchase them. When you log back into the site, the lessons are there in perpetuity.
Besides classes, MG Studios provides in-house projects you can do during open studio time with materials provided. Materials are included in the cost of the project as long as you work in the studio. You also can buy materials as you go, if needed.
MG Studios offers glass, porcelain tiles and other tools for arts and crafts. Staff members are always available to answer questions about products. On occasion, visiting artists from around the United States come to the studio.
To learn more about MG Studios’ offerings, visit mosaicguys.com.