A stretch of Hatcher Road may soon become more “walkable,” according to a proposal presented by the city of Phoenix at a meeting of the Hatcher Urban Business Alliance (the HUB) in June.
The plan, which includes projects that will enhance streets and revitalize alleys between 19th and Central avenues, would improve roadways to create more efficient transportation lanes and make safer pathways for walkers on the street. It would create a mixture of uses, flexibility in design and encourage residential and business activities to create a pedestrian-oriented environment.
Residents who live near the road say they want to revitalize the area to improve walkable pathways or sidewalks and bicycle lanes. A survey collected feedback from the public about streets and walkways between 19th and Central avenues. The responses from the survey were expected to determine the design process for the street project.
“The survey asks people to rank their priorities to improve Hatcher Road and give feedback on what they want to see,” said Marielle Brown, city of Phoenix Active Transportation Program manager. “We plan to create proposals and alternatives that respond to what we’ve heard from the public.”
The improvement project is still in its planning phase, which could take up to a year before the road is designed.
“The city of Phoenix is trying to create sustainable communities,” said Caroline Lobo, who is president of the Hatcher Urban Business Alliance (the HUB) and principal of the company suoLL Architects. “With the planning and design of Hatcher Road, we are able to cater to walkers, bikers and drivers on the road.”
The Phoenix City Council needs to approve the changes on Hatcher Road before development can begin. For more information, visit https://www.phoenix.gov/Streets/Hatcher.