The pandemic has led to a “COVID-19 slide” learning loss, further widening the gap between student achievement and grade level standards in literacy, particularly in low-income communities.
According to the City of Phoenix, during the pandemic, the number of Phoenix students passing their third grade reading assessment declined to 25 percent, which is the lowest score in seven years. Approximately 13,000 Phoenix third-graders are not reading at grade level.
Experience Corps Phoenix in partnership with AARP trains volunteer tutors aged 50 and older to help children become proficient readers by the time they finish third grade. The program taps into the experience and passion of older Arizonians to ensure that every child has a chance to succeed in school and in life. The program reports that 97 percent of the students who receive one-to-one coaching with Experience Corps Phoenix have shown gains in critical literacy skills.
In 2019, 114 volunteers served in 13 local Phoenix schools, but more volunteers are needed. If you’d like to learn about volunteering, sign up for an upcoming virtual information session. All sessions are held on Wednesdays, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Upcoming dates include May 4 and 18, June 15 and 29, July 13 and 27, Aug. 10 and 24, Sept. 7 and 21, and Oct. 5 and 26.
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