As summer temperatures soar in the Valley, one local nonprofit organization wants to make sure vulnerable people at risk have help to stay healthy and cool. With a grant from Arizona Public Service (APS), the Foundation for Senior Living (FSL) will continue the Healthy Homes Air Conditioning Program into its second year. SRP is also a funding partner in this program.
Summer temperatures can range from 105-115 degrees and higher during the day and, in 2020, Arizona Department of Health Services reported 522 heat-related deaths across the state.
The FSL program provides free repair and replacement of eligible homeowners’ air conditioning systems when outside temperatures reach over 100 degrees. The program will be offered through the 2022 calendar year and is open to low-income households in metropolitan Phoenix, as well as in Yuma, Pinal, and La Paz Counties. The home must be owned by the applicant. Availability is very limited and subject to available funds.
Priority will be given to the elderly, persons with disabilities or small children in the home. Household income requirements follow Federal Poverty guidelines and applicants must show proof of household income to qualify.
To learn more, email, visit or call 602-285-1800.