A request to rezone 1.82 acres on the northeast corner of 21st Street and Turney Avenue to accommodate three- and four-story multifamily residential will once again be heard by the Camelback East Village Planning Committee (VPC).
Case Z-74-24-6 was continued from the Nov. 13 council meeting to allow continued conversations between the developer, 4401 Turney Villas, LLC, and surrounding neighbors, who oppose the project as currently proposed. The VPC will hear the case at its Jan. 7 meeting, scheduled for 6 p.m. at the Devonshire Community Center, 2802 E. Devonshire Ave. The Phoenix City Council is set to hear the case Jan. 22.
Visit www.phoenix.gov/cityclerk/publicmeetings/notices to find information about upcoming public meetings. The staff report for this case can be found at www.phoenix.gov/pdd/planning-zoning/pzservices/pzstaff-reports.
Editor’s note: Read our previous coverage of this project here, here and here.