Volunteer tutor Freddie Lieberman works with Paige, a student at Madison Heights, as part of the OASIS tutoring program. The next volunteer orientation is set for Jan. 27-29 (submitted photo).
The program is sponsored by Madison School District and OASIS. OASIS is a nonprofit organization that partners with school districts to pair adult community members with students needing literacy support. This tutoring program serves children in Madison School District’s four elementary schools (Heights, Camelview, Rose Lane and Simis) and targets children needing additional academic support in literacy.
Tutors will receive training by a reading specialist along with a tutor handbook, bag and supplies. The training will be held at Madison Camelview, 2002 E. Campbell Ave., from Jan. 27 through 29, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
For more information, contact Maggie Kraft at 602-664-7285 or e-mail her at mkraft@msd38.org.