Phoenix firefighters respond to more fires on the 4th of July than any other day in the year. Careless handling of fireworks cause horrendous injury (mostly to children), brush fires and deadly structure fires.
The new fireworks law signed by Gov, Jan Brewer on April 22, 2014, now regulates when you can sell, purchase and use fireworks in our state. They are divided into three categories:
• Green, which are sparklers, party poppers, snakes, smoke balls, drop pops and novelties that are legal for sale and use at anytime;
• Yellow, which are permitted for seasonal use from June 26-July 6 and include ground spinners, cone fountains and the California Rocket-Shaped Fountain; and
• Red, which are prohibited at all times, including bottle rockets, firecrackers, roman candles and any arial devices.
The sale of permissible fireworks started on May 20 and goes through July 6. The use of permissible fireworks is allowed from June 24 through July 6.
The penalty for selling, buying or using fireworks outside the permissible dates results in a civil fine of $1,000. Use of fireworks on preservation land owned by the city of Phoenix is a Class 1 Misdemeanor punishable with a $1,000 fine.