Coup Des Tartes got some good news at the start of the new year. The French-style eatery at 4626 N. 16th St. has been allowed to remain open for business by the new property owners until just before the restaurant’s new location opens sometime in early April.
Initially owner Ron Pacioni was told he’d have to vacate the 1932 farmhouse he’s operated out of for more than 17 years by January of this year. And while he had already purchased a building, the new site needs a lot of work and construction, leaving a large gap of down time between the closing of one and the opening of the other.
The Van Tuyle Group, which plans to demolish the farmhouse and ancillary buildings and put in a parking lot for a nearby car dealership, has allowed Pacioni to extend his lease at the current location until Coup Des Tartes can make the move to the new site.
Coup Des Tartes is still open for dinner service 5-9:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. However, it has temporarily suspended its lunch service, which will resume after the move.
Coup Des Tartes held its official groundbreaking on Jan. 28 at the new location at 1725 E. Osborn Road. Click here to learn more about the restaurant’s new digs.