Need help in your job search? Sit down at your local library and get one-on-one help from an employment specialist to get your job search on the right track and get employed. Drop-ins welcome.
A specialist will be in every Tuesday, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. at Burton Barr Central Library, 1221 N. Central Ave., Second Floor, near the PHXWorks area. Stick around from 1-2 p.m. on Tuesday, July 10 for an “Ace the Interview” free workshop, in partnership with Goodwill of Central and Northern Arizona. Learn the basics of interviewing and develop your skills to demonstrate to employers that you are the perfect candidate for their position.
In addition, ARIZONA@WORK is at Acacia Library, 750 E. Townley Ave., every Tuesday from 1 to 4 p.m. to provide help with résumés, applications, and job searching skills.
For more information, visit and search the Calendar section.