There is support and help available to families living with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.
Hospice of the Valley recently received a federal grant from the Administration for Community Living to assist those whose loved ones are struggling with these diseases. The three-year grant will let Hospice of the Valley greatly expand its Palliative Care for Dementia program, which offers in-home support to people at any stage of dementia and their family caregivers.
Hospice of the Valley, a not-for-profit agency, will collaborate with many local organizations to create programs with a special emphasis on those with dementia who live alone; anyone with distressed behaviors and residents with developmental disabilities including Down syndrome, who might develop Alzheimer’s disease at an early age.
This grant also provides money to train a dementia-capable workforce to better serve the quickly increasing number of people who will be diagnosed with dementia.
Family caregivers who are helping a loved one with dementia also can call Hospice of the Valley’s Home Dementia Caregiver Support: Palliative Care for Dementia 24 hours a day, seven days a week to ask questions and share concerns with a nurse or social worker. The phone number is 602-636-6363. A dementia educator also comes to homes to offer information about Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, as well as behavior management strategies, medications, living wills and respite placement.
To learn more about Hospice of the Valley’s Palliative Care for Dementia program visit