The I-17 Flex Lane Corridor (photo courtesy of ADOT).
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) has begun updating its 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), which provides a blueprint and vision for the state’s future transportation system over the next 25 years.
ADOT launched a survey to seek the public’s input on priorities for how ADOT should spend limited resources to meet future transportation needs throughout the state.
The LRTP is not project-specific but will rather establish strategic priorities, goals and objectives that will guide ADOT’s transportation investments based on anticipated funding levels. The plan will also identify projected funding gaps to meet the transportation system needs.
The 2050 LRTP will include recommended Investment choices, which define how ADOT intends to allocate future resources across three major investment categories, including preservation, modernization and expansion.
The survey will be open through Dec. 21 and is available on the plan website at www.adot2050plan.com. The LRTP is expected to be finalized in May 2023.