Supporters of Gabriel’s Angels, a 501(3)c nonprofit organization whose mission is to inspire confidence, compassion, and best behavior in at-risk children through pet-therapy, gathered for breakfast to kick-off their 2022 fundraising and awareness efforts at the Arizona Biltmore on April 29.

Pet therapy team Cheyanne Leeds and her dog Tiana were in attendance at the April 29 Gabriel’s Angels fundraiser (submitted photo).
Board chairman Patty Nelson welcomed almost 300 guests and 20 pet therapy teams and others. Describing the work of the teams at Gabriel’s Angels, Nelson said, “We currently have 120 of these wonderful Pet Therapy teams, visiting 120 agencies and serve almost 6,000 at-risk children each year, thanks to you and all who support Gabriel’s Angels.”
Melissa Steimer, CEO of Gabriel’s Angels recognized the Angel Society donors who have committed a gift of $1,000 or more for five years and related this donation to the actual services the organization provides.
“It costs $1,000 to serve 20 at-risk kids each year with the right curriculum and training. We have more kids in need and every $1,000 equals 20 more at-risk kids who are receiving the special help they so need.”
She also expressed the need for additional volunteer pet therapy teams to join the effort to reach more children.
With a goal of $120,000, the event exceeded that with just over $144,000 raised to benefit at-risk children through pet therapy. Teams, comprised of owners and their pets, visit facilities servicing at-risk children in the Phoenix, Tucson and Prescott areas. The therapy visits provide children with unconditional love and teach core social behaviors.
For more information about the organization or to become a volunteer, call 602-266-0875 or visit