Pictured by row— On the cover: “Six-hundred-foot thrill ride ends with a win” and Buddy Guy at Celebrity Theatre, page 35);
Ballet Under the Stars (page 34); AHS Pet of the Month, Barnicle (page 14); “Dreamy Draw Park reopens”(page 4);
Café Chat: Bluewater Grill (page 37) and On the Cover: “The Central Park heads to second round”
As we ease into September (and the temperatures begin to ease off) it is the perfect time to get out and explore our beautiful Phoenix home — perhaps discover a new restaurant, catch a favorite band or check out the newly updated Dreamy Draw Park.
On the cover, we caught up with Phoenix locals Kayla Rundle and Tony Arme as they put their 1969 Barracuda build to the test at an August drag race competition, and break down the changes that developers of The Central Park are requesting. Residents will have two opportunities to make their voices heard on that case in September.
Many residents who use the amenities in the Dreamy Draw Recreation Area will be pleased to know that the park is set to reopen this month. A Sept. 7 grand re-opening celebration is planned. Read more in our Community section.
In this month’s Café Chat, Marjorie Rice sits down with Jeff Martineau and Chef Chris Smith at North Central’s Bluewater Grill. September also marks the return of Fall Arizona Restaurant Week, a celebration of the state’s dining scene. Read more in Food for Thought.
As always, you can catch up on community, business and other dining news, read about what is happening in our North Central public and private schools, as well as explore our round-up of things to do in the Valley this month.
We hope that you all have a safe and happy Labor Day weekend — enjoy our September issue!
Until next month, all my best,
Kathryn M. Miller
Editor, North Central News