Fall Break Camp at Impact Gymnastics will include gymnastics rotations, open gym, a Ninja Zone and more (photo courtesy of Diamond Collective Photography).
Registration is open for Impact Gymnastics Academy’s Fall Break Camp 2023, which runs Oct. 9–13.
Camp attendees will rotate through gymnastics rotations, open gym and Ninja Zone. Campers will do crafts and enjoy meeting special guests. The camp is open to youth ages 4-14, and no gymnastics experience is necessary.
The cost for a full day of camp (9 a.m. to 3 p.m.) is $340 per week; $255 for a half day (9 a.m. to noon or noon to 3 p.m.) Before and after care is offered. Campers are asked to bring lunch, snacks, and plenty of water; as well as wear gym-appropriate clothing.
Impact Gymnastics Academy is located at 7812 N. 12th St. For additional information, call 602-870-7574 or visit www.impactgymaz.com.