The Phoenix mayor and city council approved on June 7 moving forward with a proposed General Obligation (GO) Bond Program of $500 million. GO Bond programs help to fund critical infrastructure and rehabilitation needs of city facilities such as parks, libraries, fire and police stations, affordable housing, streets and storm drains.

GO Bond Programs require City Council and voter approval, and public input is being sought, with subcommittee meetings beginning this month.

The council appointed a citizen’s GO Bond Committee June 1 to evaluate and prioritize proposed projects identified in the Capital Needs Study, and to hear from residents what they would like to see in the next GO Bond Program. In addition to an executive committee, there are eight subcommittees: Arts & Culture, Economic Development and Education, Environment & Sustainability, Housing, Human Services & Homelessness, Neighborhoods & City Services, Parks & Recreation, Public Safety, and Streets & Storm Drainage.

Subcommittees will receive presentations about proposed projects from city departments, hear from the public, then rank the projects that will be recommended to the executive committee. The executive committee is charged with making recommendations to be considered by council, which will then decide if a program will go to the voters. If approved, voters will ultimately choose whether or not to adopt the GO Bond Program, in November 2023.

Committee meetings will take place between August 2022 and December 2022 and will be open to the public for comment. The executive committee will meet for the first time Aug. 8, then the first subcommittee meeting will take place Aug.12.

For more information on committee meetings and how to participate, visit or call 602-262-3111.


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