Kinesphere Center for Movement Education announces that February is Yoga Month, featuring several unique events at the studio.

Tami Link for Down Dogs for Paws will present a donation-only class to benefit M.A.I.N. (Medical Animals in Need) on Saturday, Feb. 8. On Wednesdays beginning Feb. 12, Kirsten Kele from Happy Hearts Yoga for Kids hosts a Children’s Yoga worskshop series.

Friday through Sunday, Feb. 14-16, Master Teacher Hilary Cartwright offers Yoga for Dancers (non-dancers welcome). And Feb. 18-23, Karen Washburn-Ness will lead Gyrokinesis pre-training.

Additionally, there is a second benefit event, a Foam Roller Workshop on Wednesday, Feb. 19 taught by Amisha Klawonn, DPT. Fifty percent of the proceeds from this event will benefit Benji’s Buddies Rescue.

To register for any of these February events, call 602-532-3111, or drop in the studio at 711 E. Missouri Avenue, Suite 180.


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