North Central resident Agustin Hubert, center, was installed as lead pastor of the RCA (Reformed Church of America) Longview Community Church on Jan. 11. The presiding officer, representing the RCA denomination, was the Rev. Dr. James Poit, left, president of the Southwest RCA Classis. Translation for the bilingual service was provided by the Rev. Edward Aleman, right (submitted photo).
North Central resident Agustin Hubert on Jan. 11 was installed as lead pastor of the RCA (Reformed Church of America) Longview Community Church, 1301 E. Whitton Ave.
Hubert, a native of Buenos Aires, Argentina, has served at Longview for more than five years in a variety of positions including associate pastor, youth pastor, music director, Bible Study leader and translator for the Spanish worship services.
He also has served as liaison for the Longview Community Neighborhood Association and has been an organizer for the city of Phoenix neighborhood G.A.I.N. events.
The change in church leadership occurred because Senior Pastor Richard Caballero and his family are relocating to Paramount, Calif., where he has accepted the position of Hispanic pastor for Emmanuel Reformed Church (RCA). Caballero had presided over the Longview church for more than 11 years.