The Phoenix Police Youth Police Experience is an annual, free event hosted by police officers to introduce children entering the seventh and eighth grades to the world of law enforcement. There are two experiences taking place this summer, June 19-23 and July 24-28, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Mountain View Precinct, 2075 E. Maryland Ave.
Children will have the opportunity to experience the role and duties of a police officer. This free program will also provide the students the ability to build relationships with police officers and the civilians who work within the Phoenix Police Department. On the final day, students will work with a police officer to investigate a crime scene set up especially for them.
The students must reside in Phoenix or attend a school within the city of Phoenix. Lunch is not provided except on the last day (Friday) of each session. Each session is limited to 25 students. Applications must be received by June 13 or July 18, to be considered.
For more information or to receive an application, contact Officer Mary Roestenberg at or 602-495-5007.