Explore artists’ take on the afterworld in a diverse exhibit at the Phoenix Art Museum.
“Seeking Immortality: Ancient Artifacts” will be on display through Nov. 7 in the Art of Asia galleries. This exhibition features ceramic pieces and other objects from China, Korea and Japan that are intended to accompany people who are deceased into the afterlife. Questions about how to bury the dead and concerns about an afterlife and immortality prompted artists to create many artifacts that validate some of these beliefs. In Asia, for example, the deceased were interred in tombs that reflected their status in life and offered them items that they might need in the next life. Some of the objects were utilized daily but others were created specifically for the burials. Often pottery figures were used instead of burying servants and animals.
This exhibition is possible in part because of the contributions of the museum’s Circles of Support and museum members. It showcases objects donated to the museum’s collection as well as artwork purchased with funds provided by the Asian Arts Council.
Phoenix Art Museum is located at 1625 N. Central Ave. To learn more, visit https://phxart.org.