Valley families will benefit from donations to the NourishPHX Holiday Toy Shoppe, which will be collected through Dec. 15 (submitted photo).

While the swirl of holiday activity can be exciting for many families, for others it is a time of anxiety — wondering where their next meal may come from or how they will stay warm this winter, and gifts for families may seem out of reach. That is where NourishPHX steps up.

The nonprofit serves vulnerable individuals and families throughout the Valley by offering resources to satisfy immediate needs and to provide pathways to self-sufficiency. And the need has never been greater, says Beth Fiorenza, executive director.

“We have been serving record numbers due to inflation, on any weekday, we are serving 180-220 families,” said Fiorenza.

“With the costs of everything increasing (food, clothing and housing), we are seeing many new clients who have not had to visit before. Through Sept. (Oct. 1, 2022- to Sept. 30, 2023) more than 55 percent of those visiting us have been brand new clients.   In the past year, we have had a 40 percent increase in visits compared to last year.”

While the organization collects toys and clothing for families in need all year long, they are currently looking for donations for their NourishPHX Holiday Toy Shoppe, which continues through Dec. 15. They will host a holiday party with all of their families to come and pick up the gifts. Santa will stop at their office on this day to grant wishes from all the children. They also provide hot chocolate, cookies and apple cider to celebrate the season.

Residents who would like to help out their community are encouraged to volunteer at NourishPHX, or to donate to the holiday drive.

“We always need volunteers and donations!  Anyone can register on our website to volunteer,” said Fiorenza, “and we are promoting the Season of Kindness right now and asking people to donate warm weather clothing – all types and sizes.”

Holiday food items are also being collected to help Valley families and can be dropped off between 7:30 a.m. and noon, Monday through Friday. Requested items include canned gravy, stuffing, mac and cheese, canned fruit and vegetables, cranberry sauce, canned yams, bread mixes, soups with protein, beans and rice, dessert mixes and more. Seasonal clothing is also needed, with children’s and adult men’s sizes in greatest need, as well as warm blankets, pillows and other bedding.

NourishPHX is located at 501 S. 9th Avenue in downtown Phoenix. For additional information, call 602-254-7450 or visit


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